Cigars commemorating and named for specific dates are not all that uncommon in the industry, and one of the cigars released by Casa Turrent at last year’s trade show is one such example. Dubbed the Serie 1973, the new release was produced to commemorate the year that Alejandro Turrent was born. Blend-wise, the Casa Turrent Serie 1973 is composed of four-year-old tobacco including a Mexican San Andrés criollo wrapper and binder as well as a mix of the same Mexican San Andrés criollo and Nicaraguan leaves used in the filler. In addition, the new regular production cigars feature a double binder and are rolled at Nueva Matacapan de Tabacos S.A. de C.V in Mexico.
Interestingly, some markets will receive a round version of the cigars, while other markets will receive box-pressed versions, depending on which the distributors preferred.
Covered in a mocha brown wrapper, the Casa Turrent Serie 1973 is quite smooth to the touch, but features almost no visible veins at all. Sporting an obvious but oval box-press, the cigar is just a bit spongy when squeezed and there is very little oil present. Aroma from the wrapper is a combination of earth, leather, hay, cedar, cinnamon and sweet dates, while the cold draw brings flavors of grass, oak, leather and the same sweet date note that was present on the wrapper.
Country of Origin: Mexico
Factory: Nueva Matacapan de Tabacos S.A. de C.V.
Wrapper: Mexican San Andrés criollo
Binder: Mexican San Andrés Criollo
Filler: Mexican San Andrés & Nicaragua
Vitola: Torpedo